Gift giving is HUGE in the Bromby family. My mother makes a big deal about gift giving holidays (birthdays and Christmas) and it has rubbed off on all of us. We used to have a special routine every Christmas. We always had 3 gifts under the tree and all of our other gifts were given to us on Christmas Day from "Santa" (or Santa for the believers). We were each allowed to open one gift on Christmas Eve. Then, Christmas morning my brother and I would wake up early and sneak into my parents room to wake them up. My dad would always go into the living to "make coffee" while we sat and talked with my mom. When Dad was ready, we would scurry into the living room only to discover a pile of presents had magically appeared! We spent the morning taking turns opening presents and Dad made his famous cinnamon scones. Those are truly some of my favorite memories.
Things are a little different this year. This is mine and R's first Christmas together as a married couple, so of course things are going to change. I will admit that this was hard for me. I even cried the night we decided our final plans for Christmas because we wouldn't be able to continue the traditions I'd grown up with. But now that I've gotten past the thought that this is a sacrifice, I'm truly excited to share this season with my husband. It is not a sacrifice, but a blessing to enjoy not one but TWO Christmases this year! I'm excited to see how his family does Christmas. I'm excited for him to see how my family does Christmas.
On a whim, we decided to exchange gifts tonight and he did an outstanding job!
These are my Christmas treasures.
He got me a cocktail shaker and a mini cocktail shaker (he knows I love anything miniature), a paisley iPhone case from J.Crew, and two pairs of beautiful earrings (along with a few other things that are not pictured). I'm super impressed with his Christmas shopping skills. A few things I got him included The Gentlemen's Guide to Cocktails, a pretty tie, some Old Navy shirts, and a Carhartt jacket for his outdoor adventures.
All in all, this was a great first Christmas. I am so excited to spend time with both of our families and I can't wait for the many Christmases to come!
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