Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A Little Q&A

April, over at The Striped Flamingo, shared a fun little Q&A quiz on her blog today.  I'm not normally interested in quizzes, but she asked fun questions and I love TSF, so I'm giving it a go!

These are the "rules" of the quiz.  I won't be doing most of these.

1. Every tagged person must tell 11 things about themselves.
2. Answer the 11 questions that the person who tagged you asked.
3. Ask 11 questions for the 11 blogs that you are going to tag.
4. Mention the blog that tagged you but don't tag back.

1. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? Definitely mint chocolate chip.  But lately, I've been on a Kilwin's toasted coconut kick.

2. Colored Christmas lights or white Christmas lights?  White!  So that my ornaments have a little more pop.

3. What is your least favorite smell?  This is hard as there are many smells I dislike.  I guess I would have to say dirty socks.  There is something about dirty socks that I can smell a mile away and it makes me gag. :(

4. Do you have any pets? Yes!  We have a sweet puppy named Orvis.

5. What did you eat for dinner 2 nights ago?  Pizza

6. What was your very first job?  My very first job was as a receptionist at a hair studio.  I loved it.

7. If you could have any dream job, what would it be?  My dream job would be a veterinarian.  I love animals but I hate school.  So, that's how that went...

8. What was your favorite memory from 2012?  Marrying my sweet husband.

9. Daniel Radcliffe or Taylor Lautner? Explain.  Daniel Radcliffe, hands down.  1. Taylor Lautner looks like an alpaca. 2. This quote (minus the cigarette and the F word). 3. Daniel is British.  'Nuff said.

10. Do you wear pajamas?  I sho do.  All day if I could!

11. How many jobs have you had?  Too many.  No seriously, here is my list: receptionist at Artisan Hair & Nail Studio, admissions associate at Carowinds, cashier at Red Brick Pizza, front desk at a neighborhood pool, sales associate at American Eagle, youth intern at my childhood church, cashier at Luigi's Pizza, sales associate at Old Navy, shift leader at Stick Boy Bread Co., and now my current job at a local inn.  That is entirely too many for a 22 year old.

There you have it!  If any readers would like to answer some fun questions, here is my new list:
1. Do you live in a Mansion, Apartment, Shack, or House?
2. Who is your favorite talk show host?
3. What is one thing you wish you knew how to do?
4. What is your least favorite smell?
5. Soft cookies or crunchy cookies?
6. What is your favorite movie and book?
7. Do you currently have your Christmas tree up? 
8. What is your favorite childhood memory?
9. Daniel Radcliffe or Taylor Lautner? Explain.
10. What is your favorite holiday?
11. If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Have fun!!

1 comment:

  1. I laughed SO hard at #9. Seriously. TL totally looks like an alpaca. HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH!
